We've made it! Week 2 is down in the books.
Earlier this week I posted about starting the 30 day fit challenge with Arbonne. I listed some quick ideas on how to get off to a great start and how to really own your reasons for wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.
Some other things to consider during your first week...
1) Figure out what healthy looks like and feels like for you. Don't make it about a number. Numbers are frustrating, and although they make an amazing goal to reach we forget that health is so much more than the scale.
2) Make a plan for the days when it feels like its too hard. Im a momma of two busy littles. We all know there are those days where cooking dinner feels like its the straw that will break the camels back. Make a realistic plan for the days when you want to eat out or you might not be around the house for a certain meal. We sold our souls to t-ball on Saturdays, so finding healthier options instead of the usual go-tos were important for our success.
3) I know this isn't always realistic, but do this with someone else. Walking through this with someone else on the same plan will help you hold your head high when you are ready to give up. Sonic will be tempting you, and then you'll feel like crap the next day. Really. Not that I know. Having someone do this program with you will give you accountability and encouragement.
Finding someone else to join you in this process is the most encouraging and motivating thing you can do for yourself. I mean, its 30 days. Who wouldn't want to take some steps forward in their overall health for just 30 days? Invite someone to do this challenge with you! If its not someone who you see often, Facebook it out and see if you can find a friend who would be interested in joining you. Many people just don't know where to start and this is a great program for that.
Ok. Im not gonna lie. Im listening to a podcast at the same time Im blogging. Multitasking at its finest, and its also creating this unreal ADD all at the same time. If I'm missing something important, leave a comment. I'd love to help answer any questions you might have. **Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist nor do I know a whole lot about this process. Im learning, and all I know is what I have personally experienced. The end.
Arbonne fit kit includes 30 days of protein shake mix, energy fizz sticks, fit chews, and herbal detox tea. Secret: my hubs and I are sharing one kit and only drinking shakes for breakfast most of the time. To get maximum results make sure you purchase enough shake mix to make two a day.
Week 2 Recap:
Week two was much, muuuuch easier. You start feeling this amazing energy that you can't get with coffee and soda. You wake up refreshed and your days are much more productive. I've been a happier, much more present person just from making some simple changes that needed to happen. No cokes, cutting out Starbucks runs, and no fried fast food. We've worked really hard at staying on the clean eating plan, but realistically we've modified a few things that work best for our family.
We also found a fantastic Indian restaurant for the times we've wanted to go out to eat but not blow this entire process. We picked entrees that were not going to make us feel terrible, but was still something that we enjoyed and was also gluten free. One of the amazing things about living in Austin is that we have a huge selection of places to choose from that offer perfect meal choices for this plan. Whole foods is so much fun to shop at, and even more fun when you can take your kids to play and eat dinner on the rooftop! If you have a lot of healthier choices like we do, it won't be too hard to find substitutions for your "eating out" meals. If you don't, it might be a matter of prepping food ahead of time to avoid the before-dinner slump of not wanting to cook. Lets be real, sanity always has to win though.
We have had our fair share of slip ups these past two weeks as well. It was easy to grab a coke when we thought we were dying. And it was also really easy to get right back on track when we felt AWFUL the next day because of the huge influx of sugar that we put into our bodies! My favorite part about this plan is that slip ups happen, but its so easy to get right back on track. I ate terrible yesterday in between our crazy Sundays and getting home in time for naps. Today because I felt so gross I made shakes for both breakfast & lunch, and will be making sure I drink a ton of water in between.
Well, I didn't mean to share so many details but I must think they are fairly important in getting through week two.
I will only be doing one or two more posts about our 30 day challenge and then I will get back to my usual blogging style. I can't wait to share with you what we've been learning during this challenge, and some easy meal ideas that have worked for our family with two picky little ones!
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